Katalon Recorder (Selenium tests generator)日常驱动网络记录器

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Katalon Recorder 插件简介

Katalon Recorder 插件是用于在 Chrome、Firefox 和 Edge 上录制和播放的 UI 最友好和最简单的扩展。一个完美的 Selenium IDE 替代品,作为您的日常驱动网络记录器。Selenium IDE 替代记录和导出 Selenium 脚本。带有报告和屏幕截图。快速和开源。

Katalon Recorder 插件功能介绍

- 与使用 Selenium 3 核心引擎的其他扩展相比,享受最快的执行速度。
- 自动化浏览器上的重复性任务,例如生成报告、填写表格、自动化游戏等。
- 使用原始的 Selenium IDE 命令 (Selenese),加上块语句 if...elseIf...else...endIf 和 while...endWhile。支持测试文件输入控件。
- 使用多种定位器类型,包括 XPath 和 CSS。
- 从 CSV 文件导入测试数据以进行数据驱动测试。
- 将脚本从 Selenium IDE 导入到 Katalon Recorder 中的现有项目
- 在将您的工作移交给 QA 团队之前测试您的新功能
- 运行综合测试以监控网络应用程序的功能
- 具有可视化仪表板和图表的可共享报告,可轻松使用日志、屏幕截图捕获以及来自 Katalon TestOps 的历史数据和分析。
- 支持用于开发自定义定位器构建器和操作的旧版 Selenium IDE 命令和扩展脚本(又名 user-extensions.js)。
- 以各种格式和框架导出 Selenium WebDriver 脚本。

Katalon Recorder (Selenium tests generator)日常驱动网络记录器

Katalon Recorder 插件描述:

应用大小:5.6 MiB
版本:v 5.9.0

Katalon Recorder 插件下载:


Katalon Recorder 插件安装流程:

(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面
(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”
(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,完成安装

Katalon Recorder 插件英文介绍

Katalon Recorder is the most UI-friendly and simplest extension for Record and Playback on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. A perfect Selenium IDE alternative as your daily drive web recorder.

Katalon Recorder will make your test automation work a lot easier:

- Enjoy fastest execution speed compared to other extensions with Selenium 3 core engine.
- Automate the repetitive tasks on browsers, such as generating reports, filling forms, automating games, etc.
- Use original Selenium IDE commands (Selenese), plus block statements if...elseIf...else...endIf and while...endWhile. Testing file input control is supported.
- Make use of multiple locator types including XPath & CSS.
- Import test data from CSV files for data-driven testing.
- Import scripts from Selenium IDE to existing project in Katalon Recorder
- Test your new features before handing your work over to the QA team
- Run synthetic testing to monitor the functionality of web applications
- Shareable reports with visual dashboards and charts easily with logs, screenshots capturing, with historical data and analytics from Katalon TestOps.
- Supporting the legacy Selenium IDE's commands and extension scripts (AKA user-extensions.js) for developing custom locator builders and actions.
- Exporting Selenium WebDriver scripts in various formats and frameworks.

You can export recorded tests to the following supported languages and frameworks: Node New Relic Synthetics, Python App Dynamics, Java JUnit, Java TestNG, Python unittest, C# MSTest, C# NUnit, Java WebDriver RC +JUnit, JSON Dynatrace Synthetics, Typescript Potractor, Robot framework, Ruby Rspec, JavaScript WebDriver.io, XML, JavasScript Puppeteer, JSON Puppeteer


Why Katalon Recorder?

Unlike Selenium IDE, the recording capability of Katalon Recorder is powerful on major web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and IE. This extension was the champion project of the Katalon Studio Hackathons contest. Katalon Automation Recorder was developed to support users who no longer be able to record and playback automation tests using the old-fashioned Selenium IDE or users of popular open source frameworks looking for a handy recorder. Katalon Recorder can be integrated with other Katalon solutions (Katalon Studio and Katalon TestOps) for advanced test generation, reporting, and test orchestration needs.

Useful links:
Katalon Recorder on Firefox:

]Katalon Recorder on Edge:
Katalon Recorder (Selenium tests generator) - Microsoft Edge Addons

Data-Driven Testing with Katalon Recorder and Selenium IDE
Katalon Recorder Docs: https://docs.katalon.com/katalon-recorder/docs/overview.html
Katalon Recorder Community: https://forum.katalon.com/c/katalon-recorder/

About Us:
At Katalon, we make testing easy.

Katalon products focus on two core qualities: accessibility and flexibility. No matter how small or large, simple or complex, novice or experienced your team is, there’s a Katalon solution for you. We take care of the complicated, mundane, redundant tasks so that you can enjoy a better automation experience.
...because we believe there's always an easier way to do test automation.

Our solutions include Katalon Studio, Katalon TestOps (beta), Katalon Recorder, Katalium, and Katalon plugins.


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年4月4日 22:16:53
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://www.chromekz.com/productivity/3166.html
  • Katalon Recorder
  • Katalon Recorder 插件
  • 日常驱动网络记录器