Stylish – Custom themes for any website-个性化网站主题样式

annayy 辅助插件450阅读模式

Stylish 插件介绍

Stylish 插件是一款适用于 Chrome 浏览器的用户样式管理器,该插件内置各种页面样式可供用户进行选择,同时也支持让用户在浏览器中为任意网站自定义主题,以定制属于自己的个性化网站主题样式

Stylish 插件开发背景

大家是否遇到过一些内容非常有趣,但网站样式却十分糟糕的网站除了没有丝毫美感之外,有些网页的字体实在太小,不便于进行阅读。这时,大家有没有想过快速对自己所浏览的网站的样式进行修改,或者简单粗暴地定制呢?如果想要实现,其实只需在 Chrome 浏览器中安装这款Stylish 插件即可。

Stylish 插件功能介绍

Stylish 插件在 Chrome 浏览器为用户提供了各种页面样式,非常精致丰富,用户不仅可以随意选择使用,或者禁用、编辑或删除任意已安装主题,并且也可以网页中自定义背景、配色方案、字体甚至动画,随意设计最爱的样式更改任意网站的外观。

对于 Stylish 的 CSS 编辑器创建的用户样式,用户可与数百万 Stylish 用户共享。目前,Stylish 插件可为世界各地的网站和 Web 应用提供主题和皮肤。

Stylish – Custom themes for any website-个性化网站主题样式

Stylish 插件使用方法


如果有条件,可以直接在谷歌 Chrome 商店下载安装。如果无法访问 Chrome 商店,请在Chrome扩展网下载 Stylish 插件的安装包,解压后将 crx 文件安装到你的谷歌浏览器上。


Stylish 插件安装完成以后,直接在 Chrome 浏览器任意网页内点击浏览器上方工具栏中的插件图标,将自动检测与当前网站适配的主题并在网页右上角快速弹出的小窗口中显示,若没有也可以点击【 Browse more 】跳转至样式库中进行查看,直接选择喜欢的点击【 install style 】即可立即生效。

当然,样式库中没有满意的主题,用户也可以使用利用 Stylish 插件自带的 CSS 编辑器创建属于自己的个性化主题。或者,可以进入修改界面,对网页的背景、配色方案、字体以及动画等进行自定义设计。

Stylish 插件描述:

应用大小:753 KiB
版本:v 3.0.1

Stylish 插件下载:


Stylish 插件安装流程:

(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面
(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”
(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,完成安装

Stylish - Custom themes for any website原文介绍:

Create your version of the web with Stylish:

★ Choose from hundreds of thousands of themes for some of the most popular websites, including: Roblox, Youtube, Facebook, Google and more!
★ Customize website backgrounds, color schemes, skins, social network accounts, fonts, and even animations.
★ You can quickly and easily disable, enable, edit or delete any installed style.
★ Create and share your own user styles with millions of people using Stylish's CSS editor.
★ Become a part of one of the largest creative communities on the planet
★ Trusted by over 3 million users!

***Create your own Style***
If you know CSS, become a theme creator - create and share styles for any popular website.

***Request a Style***
If you find a site that has no style, or you want a new style created based on your favorite artist, movie, or holiday, ask the Stylish community to create that theme on our brand new Discord server -
If you’re looking for our old forum (inactive), click here -

***Important notes***
★ We care about your privacy and thus it is important to us that you understand our data practices:
Stylish provides you with suggestions and access to relevant styles for pages you visit, as well as the number of times each style has been installed. To enable this service, we collect anonymous browsing data as described in our privacy policy, including: All Host, tabs, webNavigation, webRequest, context Menus, and storage.
The collected data is not used to identify individual users, and you can always turn this automatic data collection off on the add-on option page.
★ Currently, Global themes are not supported in the ‘Style Library’ tab. You can reach them through the Website Library.



  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月4日 15:37:26
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:
  • 样式管理器
  • Stylish
  • Stylish 插件
  • 个性化网站主题样式


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